Nature and Health Laboratory

Erin Largo-Wight, PhD

Erin Largo-Wight, PhD
Public Health Professor and Institute of Environmental Research and Education (IERE)
University of North Florida, Jacksonville FL
Largo-Wight's LinkedIn
Largo-Wight's Research Gate
 IERE's website and follow @unfenvironment

Areas of Research Expertise

Nature Contact, Environmental Health Promotion, Environmental Behavior Change  [Supporting frameworks: One Health, Health By Design]


PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2007
Concentration: Health Behavior, College of Health and Human Performance
Minor: Social Psychology, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Graduate Certificate, Environmental Education & Communication, 2006
College of Agriculture and Life Science, University of Florida

Graduate Certificate, Health Communication, 2005
College of Health and Human Performance, University of Florida

MS, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2003
Department of Exercise Science, Nutrition, & Health

BS, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, 2000
College of Education


I grew up on the "nature coast" of Florida, earned degrees from University of South Florida (BS), University of Delaware (MS), and University of Florida (PhD), and joined the faculty at the University of North Florida, Department of Public Health in 2007.  Today (since 2019), I am Professor and Director of UNF Institute of Environmental Research and Education working with our amazing team to foster the next generations of environmental leaders through environmental student programming, curriculum, and research. I am also a research scientist and lead of the UNF Nature and Health Laboratory where we study the impact of nature on human health (nature and well-being), as well as the impact people have on the environment (behavioral research). My research assumes a reciprocal relationship between the environment and people (One Health) and is primarily focused on measuring the impact of nature contact in our homes, schools, workplaces, and communities on daily stress, health, and well-being. I also explore sustainability behaviors to learn how to best protect nature and environmental resources.  This research has been supported by federal agencies and national associations and foundations and has been published and well cited in the research literature, as well as widely covered in news and popular press outlets in the U.S. and Europe. I have received impact and excellence awards focused on this work, and I proudly serve on local and national boards and alliances to further environmental and nature research and initiatives. Personally, I enjoy my 'backyard mini farm at the beach', watching my kids enjoy life and play, and being active with my husband and kids outdoors, especially at Florida's beaches, parks, and springs.

I enjoy discussing my research and broader topics with the public. Feel free to contact to learn more.

Faculty CV bio:
